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Doyle History

The name 'Doyle' has its origins in Ireland and is linked to the O'Doyle family name. Although it mainly comes from Ireland, it's also connected to Scotland, where it can be found as 'MacDowell'. The name 'Doyle' is closely associated with the Doyle Clan, also known as the "Clan O Dubhghaill" in Irish Gaelic. This name comes from old Irish words that mean "Dark/Evil foreigner," referring to their historical roots. This is how the people from that time used to talk about this clan.

The name Doyle is of Viking origin. It is an Anglicization of the Irish Ó Dubhghaill, which means "descendant of Dubhghall". Dubhghall is a Gaelic name that means "dark stranger". The Doyles are thought to be descended from one of the Viking families who settled in Ireland. The name Doyle is the ninth most common surname in Ireland. It is also a common name in other countries, such as the United States, Canada, and Australia. So, if you have the surname Doyle, you can be proud to know that your ancestors were Vikings!

Son of John & Judith Doyle

Patrick Doyle was born in Carlow, Ireland on November 1, 1816. Patrick Doyle came to the United States in 1848 at the age of 32, on the sailing ship "City of London" landing in New Orleans. He came to America to seek his fortune and a better home. What he did and where he was in the eleven years between 1848 and 1859 is mostly shrouded in mystery but it is known that he worked in St. Louis.

Patrick Doyle and Mary McGuan (or McQuinn) were married in St. Louis, Mo. on September 5, 1852. Mary was 15 and Patrick was 36. They were married for 40 years. Mary McGuan was born on September 7, 1837 in County Ci Air, Ireland. She died on March 4, 1892. Little or nothing is known of Patrick's wife except that she too came to America from Ireland to seek a better home.

From St. Louis, Patrick and family went to Illinois. Ellen, their first child was born in 1857.

Later they moved to Montgomery county, Missouri, and part of that time Patrick had a saloon in Platte City, Mo. When the Civil War began in 1861, Doyle and his family moved to Leavenworth, Kansas and lived there for nearly 10 years, until 1871.

Those 10 years spent in Leavenworth, Kansas are also hidden in mystery. Old settlers who knew him used to tell that he had a saloon and a pool hall in Leavenworth, and that when he returned to live on his land in Kansas he brought considerable money with him. He was living in Leavenworth in 1859 when he heard from surveyors in Leavenworth that land around the Cottonwood River in Marion County was excellent for farming. The surveyors had just completed surveying that section of Kansas. Doyle followed their suggestion, and in that same year Doyle homesteaded near the site of what is now the city of Florence.